sábado, 20 de abril de 2024

🟪⬛ The Prompt Index Weekly ⬛🟪 - (Issue #24)

Plus: Llama 3 is finally here! 

Welcome back Indexers! You may not realise, but Meta just changed the AI landscape forever. It just released it's opensource model Llama 3. Early benchmarks show it competes with ChatGPT4 and Claude's Opus. The difference is that it's open source and it powers MetaAI. MetaAI is going to be rolled out (currently in the US) across most if not all Meta products (think Facebook and Whatsapp), that's just under 4 billion people. Most of whom will have never used AI before... it's truly a game changer for AI.

In This Issue

ATS Resume/CV Enhancer - Don't get rejected by HR software before even being reviewed by a human, this prompt helps optimise your resume/CV for Applicant Tracking Systems.

Epic Fantasy - An awesome fantasy based prompt producing really interest outputs.

Meta AI - Learn all about Meta AI

Tool Spotlight - ElevenLabs - The best of the best when it comes to text to speak and AI voice cloning.

Why does ChatGPT use the word Delve? - Someone solved the mystery!

News - US Army have an AI vs Human dogfight, Microsoft research latest release, plus Logitech has a new mouse that has AI at your fingertips!


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Get started with Getimg.ai today at www.getimg.ai and get 100 image credit for free every month.


Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are common place, they help HR functions sift and sort through job applications much faster. But if you aren't aware of them and you don't hit the right structure, you can get discounted every single time without even reaching a human. This prompt will help improve and optimise your existing resume/cv optimising it for applicant tracking systems. Check it out here.

Have you got an awesome prompt you want to share? Login to The Prompt Index and click "Submit" and share it with the community!


Awesome fantasy prompt this week from @WorldEverett (X, 2024). Here is the prompt template, have a play around and tweak it and see what you can produce.

Prompt Template

magazine, statistics, lines pointing to clothing and gear, detailed character from a [dark, high epic fantasy], lots of details, graphs --ar 9:16

(These were upscaled with Magnific)

Don't forget to tag us on X @thepromptindex and show us what you generate.

Meta AI 

MetaAI is going to give 4 billion people access to a relatively powerful AI. It's going to be integrated into facebook and whatsapp.

First things first! See if it's in your country by checking the web version out here

You'll be able to chat with MetaAI within your whatsapp groups:

  • Open the group chat you'd like to use AI in.
  • Type @ in the message field, then click Meta AI.
  • If prompted, read and accept the terms

Generate images within whatsapp 

  • Open the chat you'd like to generate an AI image in.
  • Type @ in the message field, then click /imagine.
  • Enter your text prompt in the message field.

Remember they are rolling this out so it might not yet be available. Read more about MetaAI here

Can't access it yet but want to try out the raw Llama 3 model? No problem, try it out at perplexity, just click the drop down and select Llama-3-70b-instruct and type away!

AI TOOL Spotlight

ElevenLabs: A superior Natural Text to Speech & AI Voice Generator packed full of resources including: 

Indistinguishable from human speech

Clone your own voice, 120 voices, 29 languages, Speech to Speech, AI dubbing and so much more.

Currently offering 50% off on their creator accounts (free account option is available)

Try ElevenLabs here for free

 ChatGPT Insight 

Why does ChatGPT overuse certain words?

Unleashed, dive and so many words just smell of AI! There's one word though that's even more prolific, "Delve", which has seen a 10x increase of being used in medical study journals! Well @alexhern at the Guardian may have figured it out and it's quite simple...

It turns out that the word Delve is very commonly used in Nigeria, why is that important I hear you ask!

Well, it's quite possibly to do with RLHF (reinforcement learning human feedback) which is basically where humans decide if the output is good or not and give feedback. Often the humans doing the judging for RLHF are often from countries where wages are cheaper than the US!  So if some of the people rating GPT's outputs are from Nigeria, then we are more likely to see delve used more!

But ultimately, remember, if you're not happy with the style or tone of writing, just prompt it to change it's tone, either copy and paste some text you like or choose a writer you like the style of. There are some good writing prompts here.

 In The News 

  • AI Dogfight: First known test dogfight between AI and human pilot carried out. An AI-run fighter jet went up against another controlled by a human pilot in a drill. The aircraft flew at up to speeds of 1,200mph during combat. Annoyingly the US army didn't reveal who won! Read the article here.
  • Microsoft Research introduced VASA, a framework for generating lifelike talking faces of virtual characters. By utilizing a single static image and an accompanying speech audio clip, VASA can generate highly realistic lip-audio synchronization, lifelike facial expressions, and natural head movements, all in real-time. This is only a research demonstration and there's no product or API release plan. I showed a funny video they did of Mona Lisa rapping in the telegram you can find it here
  • Logitech: announced a new mouse featuring a dedicated AI button that lets users quickly call up ChatGPT. Awesome! Read the details here.

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